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Kategoria ogólna => Kącik oszołoma (tu admin przesuwa najbardziej porąbane wątki) => : zjs2s7d0s January 03, 2011, 08:09:20 AM

: CalGRIP started in 2007
: zjs2s7d0s January 03, 2011, 08:09:20 AM
Part of the governor's anti-gang initiative "is to bring additional resources to our local communities to help combat gang violence and prevent at-risk youth from joining gangs,air jordan heels (," said Paul Seave,air jordan boots (, director of the governor's OGYVP. "These grants will assist local anti-gang efforts,dunk high heels (, particularly those implementing strategies that have been proven to be effective."
Since CalGRIP started in 2007,dunk heels (, grants totaling more than 59 million dollars in grants have been awarded to support efforts to reduce gang and youth violence including providing job training and education programs.The grants awarded on Friday were the fourth round of grants under CalGRIP as part of the governor's initiative to address gang violence in a smart way at the local level.

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